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Departure station:
Destination station:
Departure date(dd.mm.yy):  
Show also trips for days following after chosen date

Departure station
Destination station
Distance Reliability**
Route of the bus
Carrier Bus type
11.02.25 (Tuesday)
11.02.25 009305 001841 001839
11.02.25 YHLAVA: AV Yhlava 14:35
ul.Jiraskova, 1693/8{49.3989712112193/15.5812094985398}
13:35 SNIaTYN: AS Sniatyn
vul. Shevchenka{48.4553240359313/25.5451065222503}
1607.14 1388.8 99%  --  801 1240 Praha - Kharkiv
Avtokombinat 1   MERSEDES- (49)
11.02.25 009201 003908 000232
11.02.25 IHLAVA:Ihlava "AZS OMV"[cz] 14:50
trasa D1, 112 km{49.453864/15.590826}
10:20 SNIaTYN:Sniatyn AS[ua]
Vynnychenka vul. 1{48.455339/25.545004}
2450.00 3500 99%  --  RE-144005225 5225 Kheb AS-Kherson AV
STETsYK T.V. FOP   Dalekoho spoluchennia
11.02.25 009281 001157 000596
11.02.25 YHLAVA:Zupynka[cz] 20:20
P?vov 104{49.454264746328704/15.588823922}
17:55 SNIaTYN:Avtostantsiia[ua]
vul. Vynnychenka, 1{48.45529224075196/25.5450817780}
1598.00 1165 97%  --  T-3456382 2758 Plzen' - Chernivtsi - Khmel'nyts'kyi
KLR Bus   Mercedes
12.02.25 (Wednesday)
12.02.25 009273 000485 000202
12.02.25 YHLAVA:Yhlava AZS OMV 14:35
trasa D1, 112 km, zupynka AZS OMV{49.454681/15.5896715}
12:30 SNIaTYN:Sniatyn
vul. Volodymyra Vynnychenka, 1{48.455195/25.545123}
1888.89 1050 98%  --  21 Chernivtsi Praha - Chernivtsi
FOP Bezhenar' Yurii Mykhailovych   MERCEDES-BENS 50
12.02.25 009305 001841 001839
12.02.25 YHLAVA: AV Yhlava 14:35
ul.Jiraskova, 1693/8{49.3989712112193/15.5812094985398}
13:35 SNIaTYN: AS Sniatyn
vul. Shevchenka{48.4553240359313/25.5451065222503}
1607.14 1388.8 99%  --  801 1240 Praha - Kharkiv
Avtokombinat 1   MERSEDES- (49)
12.02.25 009305 001821 000300
12.02.25 YHLAVA: YHLAVA (ZUPYNKA) 20:20
ul. Pavov, 104{49.4543465118538/15.5895445768109}
vul. Vinnychenka, 1{48.4553252384285/25.5452714215779}
1598.00 1164.6 97%  --  974 1700 Plzen' - Dunaivtsi

* Price - oriented, exact price will be determined in the next step
** Reliability - relation of the amount of trips, departured with no more than 30 minutes behind to scheduled departures, shown in percentage (for the last 30 days)
- trips, for which exchange the voucher for a ticket is made when boarding the bus
- When you mouse over the dotted underlined text appears additional information

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we'll send you a message with
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