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Departure station:
Destination station:
Departure date(dd.mm.yy):  
Show also trips for days following after chosen date

Departure station
Destination station
Distance Reliability**
Route of the bus
Carrier Bus type
20.01.25 (Monday)
20.01.25 009001 002203 003585
20.01.25 LIuBLIN:Avtovokzal,[pl] 18:40
Avtovokzal, Al. Tysi?clecia, 6 {51.252116/22.571153}
16:35 KAMIaNS'KE:Avtovokzal,[ua]
Avtovokzal, ul. Syrenka (Loktiukhova), 3{48.501073/34.606175}
2100.00 1359 98%  --  13068 (Slups'k) Poznan' - Pavlohrad
Volodymyr - Trans   n/a
20.01.25 009281 000013 000636
20.01.25 LIuBLIN:Liublin avtovokzal[pl] 19:45
al. Tysiaclecia, 6{51.251866/22.5716049}
17:10 KAM?YaNS'KE:AS[ua]
vul. Sirenka, 3{48.50107850016606/34.6061807531}
2350.00 1050 98%  --  R-2100_7380 7560 Schetsyn - Dnipro
VTA BUS (Vasyl'kivtransavto)   VOLVO IRIZAR
21.01.25 (Tuesday)
21.01.25 009001 002203 003585
21.01.25 LIuBLIN:Avtovokzal,[pl] 18:40
Avtovokzal, Al. Tysi?clecia, 6 {51.252116/22.571153}
16:35 KAMIaNS'KE:Avtovokzal,[ua]
Avtovokzal, ul. Syrenka (Loktiukhova), 3{48.501073/34.606175}
2100.00 1359 98%  --  13068 (Slups'k) Poznan' - Pavlohrad
Volodymyr - Trans   n/a
21.01.25 009001 002203 003585
21.01.25 LIuBLIN:Avtovokzal,[pl] 19:45
Avtovokzal, Al. Tysi?clecia, 6 {51.252116/22.571153}
16:15 KAMIaNS'KE:Avtovokzal,[ua]
Avtovokzal, ul. Syrenka (Loktiukhova), 3{48.501073/34.606175}
2350.00 1289 98%  --  5856 Hdynia - Zaporizhzhia (Avtot.).
Avtotranzyt/Ahat   n/a
21.01.25 009281 000013 000636
21.01.25 LIuBLIN:Liublin avtovokzal[pl] 19:45
al. Tysiaclecia, 6{51.251866/22.5716049}
16:15 KAM?YaNS'KE:AS[ua]
vul. Sirenka, 3{48.50107850016606/34.6061807531}
2484.00 1050 97%  --  R-2072_3961 7060 Schetsyn - Dnipro
Prosto Bus Plus (PP Avtotranzyt)   bus-2

* Price - oriented, exact price will be determined in the next step
** Reliability - relation of the amount of trips, departured with no more than 30 minutes behind to scheduled departures, shown in percentage (for the last 30 days)
- trips, for which exchange the voucher for a ticket is made when boarding the bus
- When you mouse over the dotted underlined text appears additional information

Number of tickets: Email:
(if you haven't been, registered yet
we'll send you a message with
your registration data)

Reservation code: