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Departure station:
Destination station:
Departure date(dd.mm.yy):  
Show also trips for days following after chosen date

Departure station
Destination station
Distance Reliability**
Route of the bus
Carrier Bus type
16.01.25 (Thursday)
16.01.25 009281 000013 000138
16.01.25 LIuBLIN:Liublin avtovokzal[pl] 19:45
al. Tysiaclecia, 6{51.251866/22.5716049}
13:00 PYRIaTYN:Avtostantsiia "Pyriatyn-1"[
vul. Yevropeis'ka, 154{50.2214253/32.51608}
1850.00 793 97%  --  R-2098_7382 7558 Schetsyn - Kharkiv
VTA BUS (Vasyl'kivtransavto)   VOLVO IRIZAR
16.01.25 009281 000013 000138
16.01.25 LIuBLIN:Liublin avtovokzal[pl] 19:45
al. Tysiaclecia, 6{51.251866/22.5716049}
13:00 PYRIaTYN:Avtostantsiia "Pyriatyn-1"[
vul. Yevropeis'ka, 154{50.2214253/32.51608}
2078.00 793 99%  --  R-1096_8915 7672 Schetsyn - Sumy
VTA BUS (Vasyl'kivtransavto)   VOLVO IRIZAR
16.01.25 009001 002203 005030
16.01.25 LIuBLIN:Avtovokzal,[pl] 20:00
Avtovokzal, Al. Tysi?clecia, 6 {51.252116/22.571153}
11:11 PYRIaTYN:Rynok[ua]
Rynok na trasi, vul. Yevropeis'ka, 154{50.221542/32.516275}
1700.00 918 99%  --  19004 Poznan' - Sumy
PAN-BUS Sumy   n/a
17.01.25 (Friday)
17.01.25 009001 001190 007716
17.01.25 LIuBLIN:Zupynka[pl] 00:10
Zupynka MPK, Al.Tysi?clecia, 5a / navproty avtovokzalu{51.251...
13:50 PYRIaTYN:Rynok[ua]
Rynok na trasi, vul. Yevropeis'ka, 157{50.220244/32.517343}
2000.00 840 99%  --  15465 Berlin - Schetsyn - Sumy
Elite Express Sp. z o.o.   n/a
17.01.25 009305 001130 000745
17.01.25 LIuBLIN: AV LIuBLIN 02:50
al. Tysiacholittia, 6{51.25211901/22.57147017}
vul. Yevropeis'ka 157{50.2201772265902/32.517369663322}
2000.00 801.7 97%  --  699 1200 Slups'k - Sumy
TOV Mahren   MERSEDES- (49)
17.01.25 009001 002203 005030
17.01.25 LIuBLIN:Avtovokzal,[pl] 02:50
Avtovokzal, Al. Tysi?clecia, 6 {51.252116/22.571153}
18:30 PYRIaTYN:Rynok[ua]
Rynok na trasi, vul. Yevropeis'ka, 154{50.221542/32.516275}
2000.00 1007 98%  --  17342 (12:00) Slups'k - Sumy
TocoBus   n/a
17.01.25 009281 000013 000138
17.01.25 LIuBLIN:Liublin avtovokzal[pl] 19:45
al. Tysiaclecia, 6{51.251866/22.5716049}
13:00 PYRIaTYN:Avtostantsiia "Pyriatyn-1"[
vul. Yevropeis'ka, 154{50.2214253/32.51608}
2078.00 793 99%  --  R-2557_8950 7084 Schetsyn - Sumy
Prosto Bus Plus (PP Avtotranzyt)   bus-2
17.01.25 009001 002203 005030
17.01.25 LIuBLIN:Avtovokzal,[pl] 20:00
Avtovokzal, Al. Tysi?clecia, 6 {51.252116/22.571153}
11:11 PYRIaTYN:Rynok[ua]
Rynok na trasi, vul. Yevropeis'ka, 154{50.221542/32.516275}
1700.00 918 99%  --  19004 Poznan' - Sumy
PAN-BUS Sumy   n/a

* Price - oriented, exact price will be determined in the next step
** Reliability - relation of the amount of trips, departured with no more than 30 minutes behind to scheduled departures, shown in percentage (for the last 30 days)
- trips, for which exchange the voucher for a ticket is made when boarding the bus
- When you mouse over the dotted underlined text appears additional information

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we'll send you a message with
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