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Departure station:
Destination station:
Departure date(dd.mm.yy):  
Show also trips for days following after chosen date

Departure station
Destination station
Distance Reliability**
Route of the bus
Carrier Bus type
21.01.25 (Tuesday)
21.01.25 009201 000444 000041
21.01.25 SVEBODZIN:Svebodzin AV Svebodzyn 09:00
vulytsia Hrothera; budynok 5{52.246312/15.540174}
08:25 RIVNE:Rivne AV[ua]
Kyivs'ka vul. 40{50.6150263/26.2827955}
1650.00 1200 98%  --  RE-108004222 4222 Schetsyn AV-Kherson AV
21.01.25 009201 000444 000041
21.01.25 SVEBODZIN:Svebodzin AV Svebodzyn 09:00
vulytsia Hrothera; budynok 5{52.246312/15.540174}
08:25 RIVNE:Rivne AV[ua]
Kyivs'ka vul. 40{50.6150263/26.2827955}
1650.00 1200 98%  --  RE-108004220 4220 Schetsyn AV-Kherson AV
STETsYK T.V. FOP   Skaniia
21.01.25 009201 000444 000041
21.01.25 SVEBODZIN:Svebodzin AV Svebodzyn 09:00
vulytsia Hrothera; budynok 5{52.246312/15.540174}
08:25 RIVNE:Rivne AV[ua]
Kyivs'ka vul. 40{50.6150263/26.2827955}
1650.00 1200 98%  --  RE-108004221 4221 Schetsyn AV-Kherson AV
21.01.25 009281 000945 000009
21.01.25 SVEBODZIN:Avtovokzal[pl] 10:00
ul. Grottgera 5{52.24632411761849/15.5401599404}
04:30 RIVNE:Avtovokzal "Rivne №1"[ua]
vul. Kyivs'ka, 40{50.6152029/26.2827458}
1875.00 848 99%  --  R-1026_5195 7052 Schetsyn - Kryvyi Rih
Prosto Bus Plus (PP Avtotranzyt)   bus-2
21.01.25 009001 001636 006629
21.01.25 SVEBODZIN:AZS[pl] 14:30
AZS "ORLEN", vul. Wojska Polskiego, 8{52.260833/15.533634}
07:00 RIVNE:AZS[ua]
AZS "OKKO", vul. Kyivs'ka, 84 {50.614258/26.294933}
1900.00 1046 97%  --  15465 Berlin - Schetsyn - Sumy
Elite Express Sp. z o.o.   n/a
21.01.25 009305 001405 000567
21.01.25 SVEBODZYN: Svebodzyn AZS (Orlen) 15:40
vul. Hrothera budynok 5{52.2464620570089/15.540150368597}
11:50 RIVNE: AS RIVNE - 1
vul. Kyivs'ka 40{50.6150469069082/26.2827572591664}
1650.00 1072.5 98%  --  822 1040 (009351) SVYNOUISTsE - ChERKASY
TOV Mahren   MERSEDES- (49)

* Price - oriented, exact price will be determined in the next step
** Reliability - relation of the amount of trips, departured with no more than 30 minutes behind to scheduled departures, shown in percentage (for the last 30 days)
- trips, for which exchange the voucher for a ticket is made when boarding the bus
- When you mouse over the dotted underlined text appears additional information

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(if you haven't been, registered yet
we'll send you a message with
your registration data)

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