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Departure station:
Destination station:
Departure date(dd.mm.yy):  
Show also trips for days following after chosen date

Departure station
Destination station
Distance Reliability**
Route of the bus
Carrier Bus type
19.02.25 (Wednesday)
19.02.25 009305 001171 000494
19.02.25 BUDAPEShT: AV Neplihet 17:00
metro Neplihet, napriamok sektor D, vykhid z pidzemnoho perek...
23:45 UZhHOROD: AS Uzhhorod
vul. Stantsiina, 2{48.6096075120603/22.2981191233873}
1300.00 362.9 97%  --  29 9003 VIDEN' - UZhHOROD
Kalictratov S. A   MERSEDES- (49)
20.02.25 (Thursday)
20.02.25 009305 001523 000494
20.02.25 BUDAPEShT: Budapesht Neplihet 01:30
vul. Ulloi 131{47.4749476511478/19.0987471084399}
06:50 UZhHOROD: AS Uzhhorod
vul. Stantsiina, 2{48.6096075120603/22.2981191233873}
1600.00 270.8 99%  --  312 0279 LIBERETs' - YaSINIa
D.M.D GROUR   NeoplanN216H
20.02.25 009001 000834 010194
20.02.25 BUDAPEShT:Avtovokzal[hu] 21:30
Avtovokzal "Nepliget", Ulloi ut. 131{47.474988/19.098995}
06:30 UZhHOROD:AZS[ua]
AZS "Ukrnafta", ob'yzna doroha (bilia selyscha Barvinok){48.5...
1500.00 585 99%  --  17223 Makars'ka - Kyiv
Nemylostyvyi O.V.   n/a
20.02.25 009001 000834 010251
20.02.25 BUDAPEShT:Avtovokzal[hu] 21:30
Avtovokzal "Nepliget", Ulloi ut. 131{47.474988/19.098995}
06:30 UZhHOROD:s.[ua]
s. Baranyntsi, AZS "Shell", E50{48.58918062104244/22.32922855...
1500.00 585 98%  --  18300 Pula - Kyiv
Nemylostyvyi O.V.   n/a

* Price - oriented, exact price will be determined in the next step
** Reliability - relation of the amount of trips, departured with no more than 30 minutes behind to scheduled departures, shown in percentage (for the last 30 days)
- trips, for which exchange the voucher for a ticket is made when boarding the bus
- When you mouse over the dotted underlined text appears additional information

Number of tickets: Email:
(if you haven't been, registered yet
we'll send you a message with
your registration data)

Reservation code: